Thursday, September 1, 2011

Irrational Fears

Of which I have a few.

1. Spiders. Any size. *although, I have been bitten before, so I don't think this is necessarily irrational

2. Escalators.

3. Revolving doors.

My mom always told me growing up to be careful getting off of escalators because if you're not watching, the grate at the bottom will suck in your toes. To this day, I see the whole process go through my head as I frantically jump up and over the grate from as far away as physically possible. I also have a moment of panic when I get ON the escalators because I don't know which step to stand on. I'm always afraid I'm going to step halfway between them and it'll go out from under me. Even the flat ones scare me for the first reason mentioned.

And as far as revolving doors go, I'm CONVINCED they're going to mush me. That I'm not going to get in far enough or fast enough and get caught. Or that as I'm going through it, that it'll stop with me stuck inside. Now, this all seems silly, except that THIS WEEKEND I was going through one and it stopped with me inside it. Not only that, but it was less than an hour after I confessed my fear to my in-laws, who happened to be on either side of the revolver. Stupid door.

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