Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sept 1 diary

Welp, it's been crazy around these parts. A lot of traveling, a lot of friends, and most of all, a lot of much-needed naps. It's hard to get them not only with an infant, but with an infant fighting the 90+ degree heat in our bedroom.

This last weekend we had the privilege of visiting our church in Hillsboro and seeing all of our good friends at Aaron's hitching in Portland. It was a long trip there from Colorado, but well worth it. I miss Portland so much. We had so much fun in our time that we were there. That was a hard chapter to close. Unbelievably, though, we figured out that in 9 short weeks we'll be back in our home in Sunnyside for GOOD, opening an entirely new chapter.

Our baby girl is nearly 3 months old already, and doing swimmingly :) She's so, so close to being able to reach out and grab things. It takes a lot of focus, and several failed attempts, but she'll eventually get it. Wowzers. Also new: all that drooling.

Today marks the beginning of September, which also means Jess has been married for a full year now. Everett's almost completed week 2 of his second rotation, and the heat is beginning to subside (thank goodness!). I can't believe we've already plowed through August. It doesn't seem that long ago that i was counting the days until Elsie's due date in May. Move out of Forest Grove May 5, into our place in Reno May 9th, Welcome Elsie June 10th, Move to Colorado August 13, and into our place in Sunnyside November 5th.

Well, baby's awake, so I guess that's all for the recap... Cheers

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