Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Every girls' guide to being pregnant

For the ladies

* Understand you're going to uber tired, and be okay with going to bed when you can at night. For me, more often then not, it was within minutes of getting home from work. Frozen meals for the man are great when you just don't have anything left to give.

* Buy a pregnancy back brace, especially if you're on your feet at all. You can get them on Amazon cheaply, and their worth every penny.

* Belly Bands - great for style and keeping the "flesh-belt" contained; worthless for support. Buy aforementioned back brace.

* Don't bother with Motherhood Maternity, Boutique places, or even Ross for maternity clothes, except for the few style pieces for your wardrobe. JC Penny for maternity pants, and Target for the rest are your best bets. They'll fit you through the end, and not make you feel like a heifer doing it.

* Don't bother with "stretch mark" lotion, especially in the dinky little bottles you have to squeeze. By the time you're done slathering yourself, the bottle will be slimed and empty. Instead, opt for the PUMP type bottle of regular vaseline lotion. Works like a pro and goes a long way.

* Buy a nice new water bottle you enjoy drinking out of. As often as you'll use it, you might as well like it. I love these.

* Buy new, animal print undies in a size up from your regular. Trust me on this one, you'll need some fierce undernares to feel at all sexy.

* Tylenol's the only drug you really can take. Buy it now.

* Just go to Costco and buy their bottle of Tums.

* Hot nail polish goes a long way.

* At least for me, chapstick and Head-and-Shoulders became used daily

* Get your hands on a huge pillow or four. It takes a while, but a pillow fortress is amazing for sleeping better. Tilted sideways, one under head, one behind back, one under knees, and one supporting belly...aaahhhh. Then watch your poor hubby try to snuggle you. :(

* Keep a weekly journal. Record what you felt and what you were feeling. It goes by so quickly, and you'll forget.

What did I forget?


Laura said...

"Flesh belt"
Gag. You have such a way with words... :)

Grace's Mom said...

I think you pretty much nailed it!